Monday, December 28, 2009

Got questions about loan modification

Bank of America can help.

In these struggling times people are confused and don't know where to turn. Bank of America has a website strictly dedicated to help with questions that you may have. At this website you can scroll through your situation and find answers directly related to your unique situation.

Website: Homeowner Counseling Services

Team Rogers

Brenda Rogers
Branch Manager
Bank of America Home Loans


Bank of America Home Loans Improves Short Sale Process for Homeowners and Real Estate Professionals

Team Rogers is now part of Bank of America. We made this move to join the future of mortgage. Bank of America is taking huge steps in improving the Home Loan process. We are glad to be on their team.

Please read below:

As part of Bank of America Home Loans’ commitment to successful homeownership, our first priority is to keep owners in their homes through loan modifications or other remedies. Unfortunately, sometimes these solutions do not work and a “short sale” is deemed to be the best course for the homeowner. A short sale allows a borrower to sell the home for less than the total amount due on the mortgage loan secured by the home. It helps the borrower avoid foreclosure and reduces some of the lender’s loss by avoiding or minimizing foreclosure activities. The borrower does not receive any of the proceeds of the short sale.

High unemployment levels, declining home values and other factors facing some families have doubled short sales in the last year. The result: the slowing of an already time-consuming and intensive process in which participation from multiple parties is typically required. read more

View the December 10 National Association of REALTORS® webinar on short sales.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Welcome to Team Rogers's Twitter Page

Thanks for clicking the URL in our Twitter profile
Let us give you a little background on who we are and what we do.

Our Blog is named Rogers First, because we'd like you to think of Rogers First when you think of Real Estate or Mortgage.

We are Team Rogers, based out of Renton, WA a Seattle Suburb. Our combined experience is over 37 years in the Mortgage/Real Estate Industry. We tweet about Mortgage and Real Estate trends happening right now in our neck of the woods and nationally. We also tweet about current events in Seattle and around the world that effect us.

We look forward to interacting with you on Twitter as well as our other Social Networks like Facebook Fan Page, Blogger and ActiveRain. We are also part of a community in the Northwest Called The New Home Council

Our goal is to be the Northwests Top Blogger/ Social Networking expert. Because we're always trying to improve our social friendliness we pride ourselves in accepting constructive criticism about our techniques for social networking, so feel free to let us know what you think, give us a grade!

We also help train Real Estate Agents on Social Networking by helping them set up their Networks.

Being at the #1 Bank in Country, Bank of America Home Loans we have the ability to lend in all 50 States. We are not a spammer or send spammy messages but feel that it's important to let you know who we are and who we work for.

SO, if your interested in mortgage or real estate feel free to follow us.

If you have any questions about mortgage or want to get prequalified feel free to contact us through any of our networks or by phone: Call Bob at 425-390-4710. We Love Referrals, so if you know anybody looking to Purchase a home in the future or would like to Refinance feel free to contact us for a no obligation, no hassle consultation. Remember, we Lend in all 50 States!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lakewood Police - Protect and Serve, Thats what they do...

Our hearts go out to the four slain Lakewood Police; Sgt. Mark Renninger, 39, and Officers Ronald Owens, 37, Tina Griswold, 40, and Greg Richards, 42.

Their families and their children do not deserve to lose a loved one in such a shameless act of violence.

We as a community are in tears. WHY? Why do these things tend to happen? Nobody deserves this. It's a grim hour in Washington State this week.

Below is a tribute to the fallen. Thank you Brian for allowing us into the lives and giving us an opportunity to know our local hero's. We are deeply saddened from your loss. There is nothing good that can come from this, only sorrow. We all wish we could turn back time but we can't. God Bless You ALL and our Country. You are the Brave Men and Women that serve our community.

Brian D. Wurts, President Lakewood Police Independent Guild had a few things to say about our fallen hero's article link

About Mark...
"As the Range master I went to Mark for advice on how to train our officers on the range. Mark never belittled anyone but he was a true east coast guy. He told it how he saw it and you always knew where you stood with him. Mark was on the LPIG E board and was the savviest negotiator I have ever met. I know for sure every attorney in our law firm is weeping today, I will save the attorney jokes but I am being honest. To the members of Metro SWAT we can only cry with you, you all know what we know when it comes to Mark. Mark had that spark that made you like him and respect him. He was truly a rock in our department, someone you always counted on. Mark has three kids and a great wife that the toughest cop I knew softly spoke about. Mark is in heaven standing guard at the gate. I know this is true."

About Ronald...
"Ronald Owens or Ronnie to all of us, was the laid back dirt bike riding, surfer hair having cop, you would always want at a party or with you on any call. Though he had a laid back perspective he was sharp and an extremely dedicated and hard worker. Ronnie was a go to guy for having a friend in any business that could help us out. Ronnie enjoyed riding with us at Tahuya State Park and in fact we were just setting up another ride next week, his personality made everyone around him feel positive. I can get worked up about politics pretty quickly. Ronnie was my calm down guy, an even keel who was able to put a perspective on things with few words. Ronnie has a beautiful little daughter. We love you brother."

About Tina...
"Tina was our conservative friend. She was excited to be a part of the Olympia Tea Parties and proudly stated why she got involved in politics over the past year. Tina was sharp too, only a couple mornings ago we had a great discussion on the future of our Republic and how we felt true limited government conservatives should take back out political party. If you wanted any details over the massive government spending she would have them for you. If anyone thinks these comments are off color then you did not know Tina well. She would tell you where you could go and like Mark you always knew where you stood with her. She was the toughest little cop I have ever known. Tina has two children and a husband who loves her deeply. My gut hurts that I missed your Halloween party this year. Your memory and strength will help guide our movement to retake our party, this I promise you."

About Greg... "Greg Richards was the drummer in a rock band you would never know was a drummer in a rock band. Greg was a great cop who cared about one thing above all else, his family. He was a proud dad to three kids and wanted nothing more than to spend all of his time off with his wife and kids. Greg and I spent some one on one time together recently at an overtime assignment where he talked mostly about his family, he was obviously so proud. I will always remember this summer when you and your band rocked the house for our member with all proceeds going to charity when he was in the hospital. Yantzerpaloza will take on new meaning for us in the coming years. For someone who does not have much hair, you helped me put it down for a night."

Above I wrote there is nothing good that can come from this tragedy, but I may be wrong. Next time you get pulled over for speeding or expired tabs, tell the police officer Thank You when he or she hands you that ticket, Tell them Thank You for proudly serving our community, and if your feeling spunky tell them "ROCK ON" in memory of Greg and his team of hero's.


If you are able to Donate please do. Click Donate To Donate to our local hero's families

In Memory and Supoort of slain Lakewood Police officers Facebook Page Please become a Fan

PS. Maurice Clemmons (you don't even deserve a mention in this blog) But all I have to say is,"MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL" It's his turn to judge you now.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dear Santa....

The City of Renton has made arrangements to get letters out to the NorthPole this year. Yippeee!!

Your letter can go out as soon as Wednesday November 18, 2009 through Monday, December 14, 2009.

Santa will send a personal letter back addressing it to the child who sends it. Children are asked to tell Santa about their favorite memory of this year and tell him their #1 gift they'd like to receive this Christmas.

Check with your local city or your Post Office to see if they are participating.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tax Credit Effect?

What effect good/bad do you think the Tax Credit will have on our economy? We are very interested in your opinion.

Questions to think about: (Pick one)

1) Is this tax credit enough to boost our economy? How?
2) Is this really our last chance to get the tax credit? Hmmm?
3) On June 31st will Rates go UP? Explain?
4) How long until our economy rebounds? Why?

Please leave a comment with your answer.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

____* * * * * * * To the TROOPS * * * * * * *____

Today is Veterans Day

I salute every single person whom is and has served for our country. Today is your day. The United States of America is who we are because of you brave men and women

My best friend Jay Hatch is in Afghanistan right now. He has left his wife and 3 kids at home while he is off fighting for what our nation believes in. Stay Strong Jay. We MISS YOU!

Fort Lewis is morning the loss of 7 troops that gave their lives for our country on October 27th. The part of the article that stood out to me was what Biden said, "decent, ordinary" soldiers who loved their classic cars, video games and snowboarding, and yet in their service to country were "extraordinary."

Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!

I would like to dedicate this video to our Troops Today..

Friday, November 6, 2009

NEW/OLD Tax Credit Explained

Before you read you are free to downloand a First Time Homebuyer Tax credit Comp Chart. A simple quick read. Comp Chart

First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Extended Into 2010!
Plus...A New Tax Credit for Certain Existing Home Owners!

It's official. President Obama has signed a bill that extends the tax credit for first-time homebuyers (FTHBs) into the first half of 2010. This program had been scheduled to expire on November 30, 2009.

In addition to extending the tax credit of up to $8,000 through June 30, 2010, the extension measure also opens up opportunities for others who are not buying a home for the first time.

So Who Gets What?

The program that has existed for FTHBs remains intact with the one exception that more people are now eligible based on an increase in the amount of income someone may now earn.

Additionally, the program now gives those who already own a residence some additional reasons to move to a new home. This incentive comes in the form of a tax credit of up to $6,500 for qualified purchasers who have owned and occupied a primary residence for a period of five consecutive years during the last eight years.


In order to qualify for the credit, all contracts need to be in effect no later than April 30, 2010 and close no later than June 30, 2010.

Higher Income Caps in Effect

The amount of income someone can earn and qualify for the full amount of the credit has been increased.
Single tax filers who earn up to $125,000 are eligible for the total credit amount. Those who earn more than this cap can receive a partial credit. However, single filers who earn $145,000 and above are ineligible.
Joint filers who earn up to $225,000 are eligible for the total credit amount. Those who earn more than this cap can receive a partial credit. However, joint filers who earn $245,000 and above are ineligible.

Maximum Purchase Price

Qualifying buyers may purchase a property with a maximum sales price of $800,000.

First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit – Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some commonly asked questions about the tax credit.
What is a tax credit?

A tax credit is a direct reduction in tax liability owed by an individual to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). In the event no taxes are owed, the IRS will issue a check for the amount of the tax credit an individual is owed. Unlike the tax credit that existed in 2008, this credit does not require repayment unless the home, at any time in the first 36 months of ownership, is no longer an individual's primary residence.

What is the tax credit for first-time homebuyers (FTHBs)?

An eligible homebuyer may request from the IRS a tax credit of up to $8,000 or 10% of the purchase price for a home. If the amount of the home purchased is $75,000, the maximum amount the credit can be is $7,500. If the amount of the home purchased is $100,000, the amount of the credit may not exceed $8,000.

Who is eligible for the FTHB tax credit?

Anyone who has not owned a primary residence in the previous 36 months, prior to closing and the transfer of title, is eligible. This applies both to single taxpayers and married couples. In the case where there is a married couple, if either spouse has owned a primary residence in the last 36 months, neither would qualify. In the case where an individual has owned property that has not been a primary residence, such as a second home or investment property, that individual would be eligible.
As mentioned above, the tax credit has been expanded so that existing homeowners who have owned and occupied a primary residence for a period of five consecutive years during the last eight years are now eligible for a tax credit of up to $6,500.

How do I claim the credit?

For those taking advantage of the tax credit in 2009, you may choose to either apply for the credit with your 2009 tax return or you may apply for the credit sooner by filing an amended 2008 tax return with Form 5405 (

Can you claim the tax credit in advance of purchasing a property?

No. The IRS has recently begun prosecuting people who have claimed credits where a purchase had not taken place.

Can a taxpayer claim a credit if the property is purchased from a seller with seller financing and the seller retains title to the property?

Yes. In situations where the buyer purchases the property, even though the seller retains legal title, the taxpayer may file for the credit. Examples of this would include a land contract, contract for deed, etc. According to the IRS, factors that would demonstrate the ownership of the property would include: 1. the right of possession, 2. the right to obtain legal title upon full payment of the purchase price, 3. the right to construct improvements, 4. the obligation to pay property taxes, 5. the risk of loss, 6. the responsibility to insure the property and 7. the duty to maintain the property.

Are there other restrictions to taking the credit?

Yes. According to the IRS, if any of the following describe your situation, a credit would not be due.
* You buy your home from a close relative. This includes your spouse, parent, grandparent, child or grandchild.
* You do not use the home as your principal residence.
* You sell your home before the end of the year.
* You are a nonresident alien.
* You are, or were, eligible to claim the District of Columbia first-time homebuyer credit for any taxable year. (This does not apply for a home purchased in 2009.)
* Your home financing comes from tax-exempt mortgage revenue bonds. (This does not apply for a home purchased in 2009.)
* You owned a principal residence at any time during the three years prior to the date of purchase of your new home. For example, if you bought a home on July 1, 2009, you cannot take the credit for that home if you owned, or had an ownership interest in, another principal residence at any time from July 2, 2006, through July 1, 2009.

Can you buy a home from a step-relative and be eligible for the credit?

Yes. Provided the person you are buying a home from is not a direct blood relative, the purchase would be allowed.

Can parent(s) who will not live in the property cosign for a mortgage for their child and the child that is a qualifying FTHB still be eligible for the credit?

Yes. Can a separated spouse who has not owned a home for four years qualify for the FTHB tax credit if the spouse has owned a property anytime in the last three years?

No. However, the spouse may be eligible for the repeat buyer credit. The best path to take in any situation regarding income taxes is to speak with a professional tax preparer or CPA

Forwarded by email from: Chad Storey, Asset Realty Group,

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My Huskies got a THUMPIN today by the darn Ducks I guess I'll just go rake some leaves...

Company Policy

Why Why Why.........

Why are Big Companies slow to Jump on The Social Networking Band Wagon. This is very frustrating for it's Self-Employed Employee's. Someday we will all look back and say," Remember when it was against my companies policy to use Social Networking. Now it's to late to join. All my friends already have joined Networks that are in my field, GAME OVER. Good news though next week I have a Job Interview with McDonalds."

Social Networking is in it's PRIME. People are starting to accept it as second nature. Posting pics of activities and writing posts about what we're doing is the new thing. Why is it so wrong to have to do this.

Yeah there is some responsibilty that needs to be done on the posters side. But over all you don't want your past friends seeing you act like a ass anyway so don't post that stuff.

We are in a market that is built on Referral Biz. And Social Networking is a tool to get new biz. The companies need to accept that and allow us to use this avenue to get more biz.

Thanks for your time

Where's Our Bailout? (Real Estate Market)

Add Me

In 2008 there were 6 bailouts that included; Citigroup, Troubled Asset Relief Program, Auto Industry, American International Group (A.I.G.), Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac and Bear Stearns with a total of US dollars reaching $1,615 BILLION (a). Where is that money coming from?

1 out of every 200 homes will be foreclosed on. 250,000 new families go into foreclosure every three months. (b)

Now, in 2009 BOA gets a 142.2 billion dollar bailout. (b)

Who’s to BLAME, you, me, Sub-prime, borrowers, banks? Who cares. I voted for OBAMA. Not because he’s the first minority President or I liked his health care reform. I voted CHANGE. We can argue what has he done since he became President or what he has failed at. What’s the point.

CHANGE, Lets quit blaming everybody and quit asking, “Where’s my Bailout” Look if you were in the Real Estate Market in the last 5 years you had a part in this. Quit pointing fingers. It’s time to CHANGE and start being more responsible, ethical, and conscious of what’s going on in your business.

Times are changing in a drastic way. Banks are tightening their programs. Appraisers are forced to obey many new rules. REALTORS® are getting massive low ball offers on their listed properties. It’s not a happy time.

Is this a negative? No, this is making us more responsible, ethical, and conscious. Borrowers are finally qualifying for homes they can afford. Lenders are lending more responsibly. Appraisers are giving actual value (yeah, it is being valued low because of all the foreclosures).

Add Me


“You've been drafted into a war you didn't start, ... Focus on your customers and lead your people as though their lives depended on your success.” Warren Buffet

Stay POSITIVE. Your community needs you in these times. Your community is begging for knowledge and advice. Stay with them. The people and businesses still around after this is over will be the only ones left. Think about that……. Where is your competition? It has reduced in massive size, hasn’t it.

Give proper expectations from the beginning to your clients. Educate them in the times we are in and the times that we can look forward to.

Thanks for your time and comments..




What we've learned from Twitter so FAR!?!?

Everybody is always asking, "Why should I be on Twitter?".

Our answer to that is, "Why should you not be on Twitter?".





Last week I (Bob) met J.T. and Brooke from Netco Title for a Twappyhour (Happyhour) to learn about Twitter. J.T. doesn't use Twitter for business at all. She uses it for her own personal social networking.

Since then I haven't followed or even been able to find her for that matter on Twitter. From what I understand even if I did find her the possibility of her accepting my follow or even following me back is slim to nun. I'll explain later....

With that background on J.T. I will tell you a little more: She has over 1,000 Tweeple following her, she gets over 25 Direct Messages a day (not counting, once she makes her status relevant to the Twublic and she is bombarded by Direct Messages instantaneously), she has to count the clock hours on a daily basis to make sure she is Tweeting in the right Time Zone, she goes/hosts Tweet-ups (flying all over the States to meet Tweople and having them Fly here), she has made businesses strive in sales with her Tweets (I'll explain later), she has created her own Hashtags within her groups (her Tweeps have their own language)

Ok so your still reading....

For a Whim I had her grade my PROFILE and TWEETS. She instantly said, "BLAHHHHHHHHH.., you would not be a good person to follow on Twitter!". "WHAT", I said, " I give great relevant information about RealEstate/Mortgage News in my Tweets". From what I understood I was not being personable enough. She explaines a 1:15 Ratio. For every 15 Tweets I write their should be 1 Tweet about RealEstate/Mortgage News. People follow people they can conect with, she said. If they wanted the News they'd watch it on TV or Google it. If they want to see property they'll search it. They don't need to know all your listings... this was a big mistake by Real Estate Agents, she added.

Family..... On Twitter, she has a Twuband (she's the Twife), Twons and Twaughters. She treats her Tweeple like they are family. She can scroll through her list of Tweeple and tell you what part of the country they are from, what age they are, what they do for a living and what she finds fascinating about them.

Did I mention that she gets 10-15 new people following her a day. Out of them, usually only one of them makes the cut to be in her sphere of influence. CUT you say? Yeah she has a STRINGENT POLICY on who she allows to Follow her and who she Follows. She:

  1. Reads their BIO
  2. Looks through their Followers and Followees
  3. Examines their Tweets

Then throws down the gavel and either opens the gate or shuts it down per person. She said this does take a lot of time but it's worth it to her she said. She's constantly going through her lists and cutting people out.

Strive in Sales

How you ask..... It's simple she mentions them in her tweets. She told me about a purse maker in some state that noticed her sales booming in the same month that J.T. mentioned her business. The purse maker Direct Messaged J.T and asked, "What made you promote my business?". J.T.'s simple answer was, "I LOVE your purses. I've bought one for my daughter and sent one to California for my Sister."

Put your tongue back in your mouth reader.....

What we've learned from Twitter so far!

  • Use Twitter as a Network not as a business source. The business will come.
  • Use it to connect with people not to pitch your product or business
  • Through your Tweets express what you believe in, your core values, your interests, your hobbies etc.. (this will create quality and loyal Followers)
  • Make a strong BIO (See Below)
  • Be careful in who you let follow you.. (do not let Spammers clog up your Timeline)
  • Admit you where a Spammer and correct it...
  • Create a family/Twamily


  • Instead of being National like J.T., become LOCAL (follow people from your area, create relationships with people in your neck of the woods)
  • Tweet-up your open houses or broker opens


We do #Mortgage out of #Seattle, we are Honest & Straight Forward. We do #Homeloans in 50 States and work with quality #RE Agents and #Builders

Your BIO

Keep it personable honest and use #Hashtags to explain yourself... See my Personal Bio

My Personal BIO

I love my #daughter, #mlb, #music. I'm spur of the moment. I do #RE business in #Seattle. Second love is #Mariners and #Huskies

Thanks for reading!

Please check out our other Social Networks!

At least Join our Fan Page on Facebook

Yours Truely,

Bob Drawson