Why Why Why.........
Why are Big Companies slow to Jump on The Social Networking Band Wagon. This is very frustrating for it's Self-Employed Employee's. Someday we will all look back and say," Remember when it was against my companies policy to use Social Networking. Now it's to late to join. All my friends already have joined Networks that are in my field, GAME OVER. Good news though next week I have a Job Interview with McDonalds."
Social Networking is in it's PRIME. People are starting to accept it as second nature. Posting pics of activities and writing posts about what we're doing is the new thing. Why is it so wrong to have to do this.
Yeah there is some responsibilty that needs to be done on the posters side. But over all you don't want your past friends seeing you act like a ass anyway so don't post that stuff.
We are in a market that is built on Referral Biz. And Social Networking is a tool to get new biz. The companies need to accept that and allow us to use this avenue to get more biz.
Thanks for your time
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