Monday, October 4, 2010

October Events




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2-31     Fright Fest! - Federal Way








3           Croatia Fest - Seattle








8-10     Oktoberfest Northwest - Puyallup






8-10     Seattle Home Show






9           S’more Than You Imagined










9           Vashon Ciderfest 2010






11         Mystery Wine Walk - Sumner




15-24       Seattle Lesbian &






15-11/7    Earshot Jazz Festival - Seattle








16-17       TurkFest - Seattle






16-17       Zoo Boo - Tacoma


         |  253-591-5337




20-24       Tacoma Holiday Food


                 & Gift Festival






22-23       Hoot ‘n’ Howl - Eatonville








23             Halloween Harvest Fest








30             Ghost Trains


30-31       Dia de Muertos:


                 A Mexican Remembrance 




31             Boo in Burien








31           Please visit your local city website or chamber of commerce for    information on Halloween events and activities in your area.


Posted via email from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Team Rogers - Search/Found Google

Did you know? Posterous FACT

Susan G Komen 3 Day Seattle, WA 60 Miles 6 Million Dollars WE CHALLENGE SAN FRANSISCO TO MATCH OUR CONTRIBUTION

WOW. Seattle is one of the greatest places to live on earth. This past weekend September 24 - 26, 2010 Seattle drew close to 2,500 walkers raising $6,000,000 with the TOP individual fundraiser raising $45,000 ;)

Last year this walk reached 15 cities raising nearly 91 million dollars. With 84% of the money raised going for breast cancer research programs and the rest for administration and fundraising, this is a small change needed to find a cure. Team Rogers is thankful for all those that gave blisters, pink goatees, tie died shirts and other silly things to make this a successful event. You will collectively find a cure. 

To all that volunteered, thank you again. 

Posted via email from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First

Monday, September 20, 2010

TEXT 101 - WTH do these abbreviations mean? (Under 20 need not apply) Stump your teen NOW.....

Here is your guide to TEXT MESSAGES.. Print it off and impress your teen, lol. Everybody knows these; LOL (laugh out loud), ASAP (as soon as possible), BRB (be right back) BFF (best friends forever), BTW (by the way) but do you know these?

P.S. Please remember to NOT DRIVE AND TXT.  


Text Message Abbreviation Meaning
2bctnd to be continued
2g4u too good for you
2L8 Too late
2WIMC too whom it may concern
4e Forever
4yeo for your eyes only
A3 anytime, anywhere, anyplace
AAM as a matter of fact
AB! Ah Bless!
ADctd2uv addicted to love
AFAIK as far as I know
AFK away from keyboard
AML all my love
ASAP as soon as possible
ASL age, sex, location
ATW at the weekend
B4N bye for now
Cm call me
CU see you
CUL see you later
DUR? don't you remember?
EOD end of discussion
EOL end of lecture
F2F face to face
F2T free to talk
FC fingers crossed
FYEO for your eyes only
BTW by the way
FYI for your information
G9 genius
GG good game
GMTA great minds think alike
GR8 great
GTSY great to see you
H&K hugs and kisses
H8 hate
HAGN have a good night
HAND have a nice day
IC I see
IDK I don't know
IMO in my opinion
J4F just for fun
J4K just for kisses
KC keep cool
KIT keep in touch
LOL laughing out loud
M8 mate
MGB may God bless
MYOB mind your own business
NO1 no one
O4U only for you
PCM please call me
PPL people
RMB ring my bell
SOL sooner or later
SRY sorry
STATS your sex and age
T+ think positive
T2ul talk to you later
U4E yours forever
URTO you are the one
W4U waiting for you
WAN2 want to
WRT with respect to
WTG way to go
WUF where are you from
YBS you will be sorry

Text Message Symbol



smiling face without nose


smiling face with nose


frowning face without nose


frowning face with nose


smiling with a fur hat


smiling with curls


Santa Clause




















having a cold






small kiss


big kiss


evil crazed laughter

Posted via email from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Your Local September Events Washington State, Dates, Websites & Phone #s

 Here is a list of local Washington State Events. For the month of September, with websites, phone numbers and dates. Looking for something to do in September, you'll find all the info you need from this NOTE.

  Team Rogers is here to support our community, our friends and real estate partners Monday thru Sunday. If you know somebody searching for property please have them check out our Home Buyers Scouting Report (the ultimate online search tool), ask Bob for details 425.390.4710.

4-6                 Bumbershoot - Seattle Center

              |  206-281-7788


10-12              Mukilteo Lighthouse Festival



10-12              Puget Sound Bird Fest - Edmonds



10-26              Puyallup Fair - Western WA Fairgrounds

              |  253-841-5045


11                  PAWS Walk - Seattle



11                  Korean Cultural Celebration - Seattle



11                  Newcastle Days - Lake Boren Park



11-12              Aki Matsuri Japanese Fall Festival - Bellevue



12                  Edmonds Classic Car Show



12                  Kirkland Concours d’Elegance



18                  Pioneer Days - Arlington

              |  360-435-7289


18-10/31         Festival of Pumpkins - Snohomish



24-26              Fremont Oktober Fest - Seattle



25-26              Festa Italiana - Seattle

              |  206-282-0627


25-26              Pike Place Market Craft Food Fest - Seattle



26                  Classic Car & Hot Rod Display - Snohomish

              |  360-568-2526

Posted via email from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First

Monday, September 6, 2010

What I've learned from Twitter so FAR!?!? (This should help explaining Twitter)

Everybody is always asking, "Why should I be on Twitter?".



Our answer to that is, "Why should you not be on Twitter?".






Add Me

A while back I (Bob) met J.T. and Brooke Vilano for a Twappyhour (Happyhour) to learn about Twitter. J.T. doesn't use Twitter for business at all. She uses it for her own personal social networking.

Since then I haven't followed or even been able to find her for that matter on Twitter. From what I understand even if I did find her the possibility of her accepting my follow or even following me back is slim to nun. I'll explain later....

With that background on J.T. I will tell you a little more: She has over 1,000 Tweeple following her, she gets over 25 Direct Messages a day (not counting, once she makes her status relevant to the Twublic and she is bombarded by Direct Messages instantaneously), she has to count the clock hours on a daily basis to make sure she is Tweeting in the right Time Zone, she goes/hosts Tweet-ups (flying all over the States to meet Tweople and having them Fly here), she has made businesses strive in sales with her Tweets (I'll explain later), she has created her own Hashtags within her groups (her Tweeps have their own language)

Ok so your still reading....

For a Whim I had her grade my PROFILE and TWEETS. She instantly said, "BLAHHHHHHHHH.., you would not be a good person to follow on Twitter!". "WHAT", I said, " I give great relevant information about RealEstate/Mortgage News in my Tweets". From what I understood I was not being personable enough. She explaines a 1:15 Ratio. For every 15 Tweets I write their should be 1 Tweet about RealEstate/Mortgage News. People follow people they can conect with, she said. If they wanted the News they'd watch it on TV or Google it. If they want to see property they'll search it. They don't need to know all your listings... this was a big mistake by Real Estate Agents, she added.

Family..... On Twitter, she has a Twuband (she's the Twife), Twons and Twaughters. She treats her Tweeple like they are family. She can scroll through her list of Tweeple and tell you what part of the country they are from, what age they are, what they do for a living and what she finds fascinating about them.

Did I mention that she gets 10-15 new people following her a day. Out of them, usually only one of them makes the cut to be in her sphere of influence. CUT you say? Yeah she has a STRINGENT POLICY on who she allows to Follow her and who she Follows. She:

  1. Reads their BIO
  2. Looks through their Followers and Followees
  3. Examines their Tweets

Then throws down the gavel and either opens the gate or shuts it down per person. She said this does take a lot of time but it's worth it to her she said. She's constantly going through her lists and cutting people out.

Strive in Sales

How you ask..... It's simple she mentions them in her tweets. She told me about a purse maker in some state that noticed her sales booming in the same month that J.T. mentioned her business. The purse maker Direct Messaged J.T and asked, "What made you promote my business?". J.T.'s simple answer was, "I LOVE your purses. I've bought one for my daughter and sent one to California for my Sister."

Put your tongue back in your mouth reader.....

What we've learned from Twitter so far!

  • Use Twitter as a Network not as a business source. The business will come.
  • Use it to connect with people not to pitch your product or business
  • Through your Tweets express what you believe in, your core values, your interests, your hobbies etc.. (this will create quality and loyal Followers)
  • Make a strong BIO (See Below)
  • Be careful in who you let follow you.. (do not let Spammers clog up your Timeline)
  • Admit you where a Spammer and correct it...
  • Create a family/Twamily


  • Instead of being National like J.T., become LOCAL (follow people from your area, create relationships with people in your neck of the woods)
  • Tweet-up your open houses or broker opens


We do #Mortgage out of #Seattle, we are Honest & Straight Forward. We do #Homeloans in 50 States and work with quality #RE Agents and #Builders

Your BIO

Keep it personable honest and use #Hashtags to explain yourself... See my Personal Bio

My Personal BIO

I love my #daughter, #mlb, #music. I'm spur of the moment. I do #RE business in #Seattle. Second love is #Mariners and #Huskies

Thanks for reading!

Please check out our other Social Networks :)

Yours Truely,

Bob Drawson

Bank of America Home Loans


Posted via email from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First

Saturday, September 4, 2010

2010 School District Calendar: Kent, Renton, Auburn, Federal Way & Bellevue

by Bob Drawson, Bank of America Home Loans

Add Me

 The first day of school is always the most nervous day for a child. Talking to my daughter over the weekend about her joining the second grade on Tuesday I told her, "Three more days sweatheart till school starts" she said, " No way Dad, I'm not ready" I told her sheeee's ready and her mother, teacher and I will be here to give her a helping hand whenever she needs help. "But Dad, I don't know anything about Second Grade". I calmly explained, " That's why you go hunny, to learn, you'll be just fine". "But Dad, I don't even know where my classroom is", "It'll be OK hunny, just ask a teacher".

 She then explained to me the new Drop Off Policy for second grade, " Dad, this year when you drop me off YOU DON'T HAVE TO WALK ME IN, after all I'm a second grader". I told her the reason we walk her in is to make sure the teachers aren't strapping metal helmets on the students, brainwashing their little minds. "Dad, we don't have little minds, and they DON"T do that at MY SCHOOL, but if it makes you feel more secure you can walk me in sometimes"

To all your children attending school this year Good Luck, we wish them the best. Stay safe and learn lots!!

 ........Oh, and I'd walk them in at least once this year to make sure they're not wearing metal helmets. I will be sure to check on that For Sure at my daughters school :)


Kent School District 2010 - 2011 Calendar link

Renton School District 2010 - 2011 Calendar link

Auburn School District 2010 - 2011 Calendar link

Federal Way School District 2010 - 2011 Calendar link

Bellevue School District 2010 - 2011 Calendar link



 First Day of School TIPS link

Team Rogers

Brenda Rogers

Mobile: 425.243.3080

Bob Drawson

Mobile: 425.390.4710


Posted via email from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First

Sunday, July 4, 2010


HAPPY 4th of JULY -

        From Brenda Rogers and her team, Rogers First

two american children celebrating independence day


Bellevue Family 4th

Family at Lake Union

The Tacoma Freedom Fair covers the full length of Ruston Way

Colors of Freedom 4th of July (Everett)




Posted via email from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First


HAPPY 4th of JULY -

        From Brenda Rogers and her team, Rogers First

two american children celebrating independence day


Bellevue Family 4th

Family at Lake Union

The Tacoma Freedom Fair covers the full length of Ruston Way

Colors of Freedom 4th of July (Everett)


Posted via email from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

HomeBuyer Seminar - Every Saturday RENTON! GET DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE!

This weekends class will be hosted by:

Brenda Rogers – Bank of America Home Loans
Coleen Sachs – John L Scott
Credit - Lee Anderson

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Universe: Great tools and a very interesting perspective from the History Channel

The universe is bigger than you or I. What I love about it is the unknown. It’s so large yet still an object that has created fictionist thoughts, stories and a past time. Space and the stars have been worshiped and admired from the dawn of time.  A really cool thing that I like to do with my daughter is visit this website World WideTelescope. It’s a great tool to really spark the imagination and see the stars up close.

The History Channel recently did a very interesting show on Ancient Aliens, and is the reason I’ve decided to really ponder this idea of Universe.  I would love to hear what you think.



My opinion: I'm open to any and all theories. Nobody truly knows how we came to be. I do believe in God, but.......

Thanks for reading, Check out the World Wide Telescope (it's really cool). Leave a thought.


Posted via web from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Leadership Skills: In the form of Dancing Guy

"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." Dwight Eisenhower

"Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results." George S. Patton

"Whatever you are be a good one" Abraham Lincoln

"A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confindence in themselves" Unknown


Are you a LEADER?

Posted via web from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First

Monday, April 19, 2010

Short Sale: What is it? Details please..

What is a short sale?

A short sale is a work-out program that allows the customer to sell the home for less than the total amount owed. Upon final approval, a short sale can help homeowners avoid further collection activity or foreclosure action.


Documents required to begin an application

From the REALTOR

• Fully executed listing agreement From the Homeowner

• Signed and dated financial worksheet listing all monthly expenses.

• Signed and dated hardship letter (why they are unable to pay the mortgage).

• Letter authorizing the REALTOR access to information on the account. It must be dated and include the last 4 digits of the borrower’s Social Security Number, their signature, the full account number and the property address.


Additional information

• Short sale approval is good for 30 days. If closing does not occur within 30 days, the entire short sale package may need to be resubmitted with updated information, or the approval process may need to start over.


• REALTOR or homeowner inquiries should be directed to the negotiator assigned to the file, whose information will be communicated during the introduction call.


• REALTORS are generally allowed 5% to 6% commission based on investor rules. If dual agency applies, maximum commission is 5%. Some investors operate on a reduced commission structure and the actual commission schedule can be confirmed during the introduction call.


• This must be an “arms-length” transaction. The property may not be sold to anyone the seller has a close personal or business relationship with including family, friends or neighbors.


• During the introduction call the following will be addressed:

- Commissions

- Fees and costs

- Pricing of the property

- Timeline


• In order to reduce the 25 day response time the liquidation team is strongly recommending that the homeowner and/or REALTOR notify the Mortgage Provider of their intention to sell their property as soon as the listing contract is signed. This will allow them to complete the property valuation and borrower financial evaluation prior to receiving an offer. This significantly reduces the short sale decision time on a submitted offer.


• In some cases investors and/or PMI companies require the mortgagers to sign an unsecured note for some or all of the difference between the net proceeds from the sale and the total amount due. This is communicated as part of the response on a short sale offer.

Posted via web from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First

Friday, April 16, 2010

REAL ESTATE AGENTS: Take notice the BAR has just been RAISED.

Video increases your chances of being seen, but a good video makes you professionalism stand out in a crowd. Christophe Choo does a great job in this video. Take notes....

<object width="873" height="525"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param></object>

Posted via web from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tell us what you think.

Customer Satisfaction is word thrown around a lot. You see it every where Costco, Walmart and on just about every product out there. Satisfaction Guarantee on anything and everything now a days.  

Team Rogers wants to know if we WOW'd you over your transaction. Team Rogers's business is referral based and you are our valued commodity.  

Our clients are our friends and family. We do many repeat deals for our clients' friends and family members. If ya wanna talk rewarding, THAT'S REWARDING.  

We ask that you please leave us a comment to let others know how we served you. We hope that you were completely satisfied with your transaction and most of all we hope that we helped you achieve the goal of home ownership.  

Lastly as stated above our business is referral based. If you hear of anybody needing our assistance please pass our name along. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your business and thank you for your time.  
Thank Again,  
Team Rogers 

"We bring a commitment to excellence Monday through Sunday."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Announced FHA Policy Changes:

HUD No.10-016
Melanie Roussell
(202) 708-0980
 January 20, 2010

Announced FHA Policy Changes:
  1. Mortgage insurance premium (MIP) will be increased to build up capital reserves and bring back private lending

    • The first step will be to raise the up-front MIP by 50 bps to 2.25% and request legislative authority to increase the maximum annual MIP that the FHA can charge.
    • If this authority is granted, then the second step will be to shift some of the premium increase from the up-front MIP to the annual MIP.
    • This shift will allow for the capital reserves to increase with less impact to the consumer, because the annual MIP is paid over the life of the loan instead of at the time of closing
    • The initial up-front increase is included in a Mortgagee Letter to be released tomorrow, January 21st, and will go into effect in the spring.

  2. Update the combination of FICO scores and down payments for new borrowers.

    • New borrowers will now be required to have a minimum FICO score of 580 to qualify for FHA's 3.5% down payment program. New borrowers with less than a 580 FICO score will be required to put down at least 10%.
    • This allows the FHA to better balance its risk and continue to provide access for those borrowers who have historically performed well.
    • This change will be posted in the Federal Register in February and, after a notice and comment period, would go into effect in the early summer.

  3. Reduce allowable seller concessions from 6% to 3%

    • The current level exposes the FHA to excess risk by creating incentives to inflate appraised value. This change will bring FHA into conformity with industry standards on seller concessions.
    • This change will be posted in the Federal Register in February, and after a notice and comment period, would go into effect in the early summer.

  4. Increase enforcement on FHA lenders

    • Publicly report lender performance rankings to complement currently available Neighborhood Watch data - Will be available on the HUD website on February 1.

      • This is an operational change to make information more user-friendly and hold lenders more accountable; it does not require new regulatory action as Neighborhood Watch data is currently publicly available.

    • Enhance monitoring of lender performance and compliance with FHA guidelines and standards.

      • Implement Credit Watch termination through lender underwriting ID in addition to originating ID.
      • This change is included in a Mortgagee Letter to be released tomorrow, January 21st, and is effective immediately.

    • Implement statutory authority through regulation of section 256 of the National Housing Act to enforce indemnification provisions for lenders using delegated insuring process

      • Specifications of this change will be posted in March, and after a notice and comment period, would go into effect in early summer.

    • HUD is pursuing legislative authority to increase enforcement on FHA lenders. Specific authority includes:

      • Amendment of section 256 of the National Housing Act to apply indemnification provisions to all Direct Endorsement lenders. This would require all approved mortgagees to assume liability for all of the loans that they originate and underwrite
      • Legislative authority permitting HUD maximum flexibility to establish separate "areas" for purposes of review and termination under the Credit Watch initiative. This would provide authority to withdraw originating and underwriting approval for a lender nationwide on the basis of the performance of its regional branches

      To view the article in it's entire please visit: HUD Press Releases

Friday, January 15, 2010

21.2 Billion Slashed Home Prices Nationwide! Is it time to buy?

According to Trulia's (1 of the TOP Real Estate Search sites in America), January price reduction report: it showed $21.2 billion has been slashed from home prices nationwide with Seattle ranking #4 with 32% of listings having price reductions with a combined total of $58,752,540. WOW! 

What does this mean for the Seattle Home Buyer?
  • Right now is a good time to buy, plain and simple. 
  • Home values will recover and when they do, you'll be sitting on a golden egg. 
  • Rates are as low as they've been since 1971 that's (38 YEARS)
  • The Tax Credit. The Government is giving money away. 

    January 2010 Price Reductions (Nationwide)
    City, State
    % of Listings w/ Price Reductions
    Total Amount of Reductions
    Jacksonville, FL
    Milwaukee, WI
    Portland, OR
    Seattle, WA
    Omaha, NE
    Tucson, AZ
    Charlotte, NC
    Baltimore, MD
    Indianapolis, IN
    Mesa, AZ

    Source: $21 billion off home prices – what's in it for you?   Trulia real estate and homes for saleJanuary 14, 2010 


30-Year FRM Rates 1971 - 2009
30-Year FRM Rates 1971 - 2009