Here is your guide to TEXT MESSAGES.. Print it off and impress your teen, lol. Everybody knows these; LOL (laugh out loud), ASAP (as soon as possible), BRB (be right back) BFF (best friends forever), BTW (by the way) but do you know these?
P.S. Please remember to NOT DRIVE AND TXT.
Text Message Abbreviation | Meaning |
2bctnd | to be continued |
2g4u | too good for you |
2L8 | Too late |
2WIMC | too whom it may concern |
4e | Forever |
4yeo | for your eyes only |
A3 | anytime, anywhere, anyplace |
AAM | as a matter of fact |
AB! | Ah Bless! |
ADctd2uv | addicted to love |
AFAIK | as far as I know |
AFK | away from keyboard |
AML | all my love |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
ASL | age, sex, location |
ATW | at the weekend |
B4N | bye for now |
Cm | call me |
CU | see you |
CUL | see you later |
DUR? | don't you remember? |
EOD | end of discussion |
EOL | end of lecture |
F2F | face to face |
F2T | free to talk |
FC | fingers crossed |
FYEO | for your eyes only |
BTW | by the way |
FYI | for your information |
G9 | genius |
GG | good game |
GMTA | great minds think alike |
GR8 | great |
GTSY | great to see you |
H&K | hugs and kisses |
H8 | hate |
HAGN | have a good night |
HAND | have a nice day |
IC | I see |
IDK | I don't know |
IMO | in my opinion |
J4F | just for fun |
J4K | just for kisses |
KC | keep cool |
KIT | keep in touch |
LOL | laughing out loud |
M8 | mate |
MGB | may God bless |
MYOB | mind your own business |
NO1 | no one |
O4U | only for you |
PCM | please call me |
PPL | people |
RMB | ring my bell |
SOL | sooner or later |
SRY | sorry |
STATS | your sex and age |
T+ | think positive |
T2ul | talk to you later |
U4E | yours forever |
URTO | you are the one |
W4U | waiting for you |
WAN2 | want to |
WRT | with respect to |
WTG | way to go |
WUF | where are you from |
YBS | you will be sorry |
Text Message Symbol | Meaning |
:) | smiling face without nose |
:-) | smiling face with nose |
:( | frowning face without nose |
:-( | frowning face with nose |
#:-) | smiling with a fur hat |
&:-) | smiling with curls |
*<|:o)> | Santa Clause |
:-)... | drooling |
:-7 | smirk |
:-D | grinning |
:@ | shouting |
:`( | crying |
:-() | shocked |
:-(O) | Shouting |
:-\ | skeptical |
:-| | Determined |
:-~) | having a cold |
:-< | Cheated |
:-9 | salivating |
:-x | small kiss |
:-X | big kiss |
>8-D | evil crazed laughter |
Posted via email from When you think Mortgage, think Rogers First